Tag: Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control
Is There Value In Pest Control Services?
Many high-volume pest control companies expect their technicians to service 15 to 20 homes a day, leaving them with little time to service the home. A typical technician has about six hours of production time in an eight-hour workday, leaving about 18 minutes per stop including driving time, or about seven minutes per home for […]
Spotlight on the Flea
We get many calls to service customers with flea infestations around Jacksonville, Florida. Sometimes, we find the customer does not have a flea infestation but rather they may have problems with dust mites, spiders, or other small biting insects which they assumed to be fleas.
When to Begin Lawn and Ornamental Maintenance
It’s January in Jacksonville, Florida. Is it too soon to start thinking about lawn and ornamental maintenance?
Rodent and Pest Control This Fall and Winter
Fall is here and now is the time when insects and rodents are looking for new harborage.
Spotlight On The Southern Chinch Bug
The southern chinch bug (Blissus insularis Barbar) is an insect pest of St. Augustine and Zoysia grasses throughout the state of Florida. This insect causes millions of dollars in damage to turfgrasses each year with infestations peaking in July.